Reduce a Gummy Smile

gummy smileImproving a Gummy Smile

We are all given a certain set of genetic characteristics at birth. Some were lucky to have a "perfect smile", while others can appear too gummy, or with teeth too short. In both cases, many find this embarrassing or bothersome to live with.

The good news?
There are definitely some options for improvement available to you.

Gummy smiles are dominated by the pink gum tissue which further shortens teeth in the eye of the beholder.  When you smile do you mostly see teeth? Or do your gums take up most of your smile?

In the case of a gummy smile, we can perform a gum lift to raise the gumline to match your natural lip line. This can be surgical or laser-assisted depending on what Dr. Donia determines in the right option for you. The procedure is can be painless, and requires no sutures. Gummy smiles can also be corrected by lowering the lip line and not touching the gums.

With either procedure, your teeth will show a "normal" amount of tooth structure when smiling. Self-consciousness about your gummy smile is reduced so you don’t need to cover your mouth any longer! In general, treating a gummy smile allows your entire face to be balanced in a harmonious way.

Our number one goal is to give each and every patient the opportunity to find their smile, and ultimately improve their self esteem and confidence. If we give you the ability to smile confidently, then we have succeeded. If you would like to see examples, please visit our gallery of your future smiles.