The Extreme Makeover Experience

Together, Let's "Find Your Smile!"

My goal as a cosmetic dentist is to provide you with the support team necessary to achieve your smile goals, comfortably and efficiently. Patients have come to me from all parts of the globe, usually with very specific desires they want to fulfill. I encourage you to bring any photograph or other aid necessary to help show what you may want. It is then my responsibility to educate, and to show you what we can and maybe cannot accomplish.

Patients today have seen improvements with porcelain veneers, crowns and other restorations. But often, we can do more. We will use high definition intra and extra oral photography to gather information, and show you potential results. Many times, with our experience in combining techniques, and with artistic input looking at the shape of your overall face and smile, we may accomplish an even greater result than you think possible.

Part of my career journey has been learning how to listen carefully, to find out what the patient wants and translate their goals into what can really be achieved with modern dental technology. Our many beautiful smiles have created a fantastic reputation within the entertainment industry here in Los Angeles and exposed us to some very exciting projects. At one point, I was invited by the producers of ABC Extreme Makeover to be the second Featured Dentist on their hit television show. I was honored to be a part of that nationwide phenomenon and expose millions of people to the wonders of cosmetic dentistry. Some of the patients on Extreme Makeover required far more treatment than the average person, but it is an "Extreme" example of the type of service we may provide.